Rally Badge.
Metal badge for the Reichs Kreigertag in Kassel 1936, some corrosion. read more
28.00 GBP
Post Card Size Picture.
Card shows an SS Panzer crewman, picture in very good condition. read more
50.00 GBP
Horse Riders Badge.
Bronze class in very good condition, marked C.H. Lauer on the reverse. read more
110.00 GBP
Court Mounted Pair.
Pair being 1914 Iron Cross 2nd class and the Cross of Honour with swords, nice clean pair. read more
95.00 GBP
Kreigsmarine Rank Chevron.
All cloth Matrosen Obergefreiter chevron in very good condition, removed from an album. read more
17.00 GBP
WHW Donation Badge.
Pressed card badge in the style of an Infantry shoulder strap. read more
22.00 GBP